Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Not a great deal of it but...

Comment, constructively, on at least three blogs of at least two other people.

It's really important that you read each other's work and comment - the more constructive the better it is for you all.

I also want a comment at the bottom of this post - so I know you've read the homework and know what you're doing for Friday!


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Magazine terminology

A key part of this assessment will be to make sure you use the correct terminology to describe the features of a magazine.

There are loads of articles online about this and a quick google search under magazine terminology will help you.

It's a good idea to get aquainted with some of the basic terms, like the ones below, when you write about your own publication.

I'll porbably test you on these sometime within the next week - so make sure you're ready!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Important! Read this!

First well done to Lauren for posting up her first attempt. I've commented on it, but in case you're not following Lauren just yet...

Make sure you post your magazines up on your blog.
Make sure you comment critically on each other's work.
Make sure you print out a copy and bring it to the lesson on Friday (if you've completed it).

We'll deconstruct everyone's work and see what you all think :-)

Friday, 20 January 2012


I'm working through your blogs at the moment. Please make sure you've emailled me your addresses so I can add you.

Also, I won't have time to comment on every aspect of every blog, but make sure you all read the comments attached to each other's blogs and comment back on them, if there's something you don't agree with or don't understand.

Comments I put on someone's work are for you all to read :-)

Focus groups

Remember to let your focus groups help determine what is put on your front cover and inside pages. The public have told you what they want - so try and give it to them.

Think also about the tone and style of your magazine. Is it going to be serious, helpful, risque, funny - because of space and time your mag can't be all things to all people - so prioritise.

I could give you loads more to go on, but I'm keen to see what you come up with on your own.

Remember to blog your ideas, say WHY you've chosen WHAT you've chosen and when these are finished, we'll deconstruct them.

I may also get you to pitch your magazine to the rest of the group (or maybe the other group) - so make sure you're sorted for your semeotic terminolgy...

Monday, 16 January 2012

The joy of typos

After the debacle of my frist post in today's lesson, I've decided to explain the difference between typos and spelling mistakes...

A spelling mistake (or poor use of grammar) is something students make.

A typo (short for typographical error) is NEVER an (admitted) spelling mistake and is usually made by a teacher or professional journalist to explain away spelling mistakes as part of some purile face-saving exercise...

In short, double, even trebble-check everything you post up and commit to print for your projects - as with an exam you won't be able to explain away frist page mistakes as a typo to an examiner ;-)

Friday, 13 January 2012

First post

This is my first post, setting up my blog and sorting out blogging for A level media. It's Friday afternoon and I'm shattered - so I'll probably update this a little over the weekend (or Monday after the first lesson).