Thursday 28 March 2013

Typical post mod question

Taken from OCR - so it's almost straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak...

Postmodern Media
1.  ‘Discuss two or more more media texts that you would define as ‘postmodern’ and explain why you would give them this label. Cover at least two media in your answer.
  MARRS – Pump Up the Volume. A seminal 1987 UK No.1 that was one of the first
tracks to feature samples from other records and had a huge influence on
establishing sampling as a core element of dance music.
  AMV (Anime Music Videos) – fan created cut ups of anime videos using digital
video editing software and alternate music tracks.
  Quentin Tarantino films – numerous intertextual references to a variety of genres
and icons. Kill Bill is a prime example. The martial arts genre is heavily
referenced by Uma Thurman wearing a similar yellow jumpsuit to Bruce Lee and
the use of the original actors from the ‘70s such as David Carradine and Gordon

The above was taken straight from OCR.

You could, instead, reference Telephone and the intertextuality with Kill Bill / Ross Myers etc.

Write about how Kill Bill takes from Bruce Lee (as above)

Consider (maybe) Four Lions and how there is no meta narrative behind the story (ie terrorism isn't shown as good or bad. Terrorism just 'is'. As a viewer we're left to make up our own mind about the narrative (death of author etc)

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