Saturday 9 March 2013

Work for Monday, March 11

Here you go...

Don't panic too much, but here's a typical exam question... Along with some help answering it.

Complete the table first of all (go online or refer to your notes to help you), then have a go at the question.

Link the numbers to the letters so, for example, 1 = K. You can have that one for free!

1. Post-modern

A To copy something in a humorous and tongue in cheek way.
2. Post-modernity
B A culture and society in which individual and collective identity is constructed in material acts of economic exchange e.g. shopping
3. Parody
C The semiotic landscape of a society dominated by consumer culture and information technology
4. Pastiche
D A copy without an original
5. Hyper-reality
E A historical period in Western culture after the Second World in which society became dominated by information technology
6. Consumer culture
F The knowledge and information that informs  people’s cultural consumption in a post-modern society
7. Simulacrum
G The basic units of semiotic analysis.
8. Cultural capital
H To copy something without humour, irony or anything else that communicates difference
9. Signifier and the signified
I The dominant way of thinking about society and culture enforced by the ruling class.
10. Multi-accentuality
J A system of belief or ideas.
11. Ideology
K The collapse of the distinction between the real and simulated.
12. Hegemony
L The way in which meaning changes according to context and over-time.

Consider the ways in which post-modern media challenge conventional relations between audience and text. Refer to at least two media forms in your answer. [50]


Re-read the question and define in your own terms what is meant by the following words or phrases:
Conventional relations between audience and text
Post-modern relations between audience and text

Using the list below select texts in each category you would feel confident with looking at.
Remember to be specific e.g. don’t just say post-modern Art, say Damien Hirst.
Computer Games / Platforms
Play Station, Nintendo DS, wii etc, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Combat, Virtual Football Manager, Warcraft, CoD
Interactive Media
Internet, Social networking, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube etc.
Blue Velvet, Desperate Living, Videodrome, The Graduate, Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, The Full Monty.
Reality TV, Big Brother, Black Mirror, Life on Mars, Soap, Sitcom, Mighty Boosh, Flight of the Conchords.
Music Video
Eisenstein, Hollywood Musicals, Rock ‘n’ roll films, The Beatles, Queen, MTV, Michael Jackson, YouTube,
Compare the Meerkat, Cadbury’s. FHM Sports Driver, viral marketing, niche marketing, multi-platform, interactive.
Romanticism, Modernism, Post-modernism, Situationism, Surrealism, Pop Art, Saatchi Gallery, Turner Prize.

Homework... Finish this off!

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